Find Depth, Nuance, and Standout Performances.

  • Perform in every single class
  • Get direct feedback from a working TV director
  • Find complex, nuanced moments in your scenes

Staying Sharp as an Actor Takes the Right Practice.

Even in better times, our industry operates at a frustrating pace. Professional performance opportunities are few and far between. Unstructured practice with a circles of other actors doesn’t really allow you to grow and discover new things. Allowing your skills to lie dormant leaves them rusty and out of reach when an important audition comes your way.

Refine Your Craft with Expert Feedback and Real Practice

In my Depth and Nuance class I offer a new approach to scene work. You will work closely with me, a working television director who brings her extensive on-set experience into the process. You will perform in every single class where we will find complex and nuanced moments that will really make your performance stand out. You will get out of the feedback loop of other actors and receive honest yet respectful guidance from me.

Additionally, we will create a community of creatives who respect and honor each other’s vulnerabilities and hold a safe space to take risks and share wins.